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ZOOM! into Your Best Senior Photo Smile

It's hard to believe that there's only a month of summer left for students, which means senior pictures are on the horizon for many of our patients. Therefore, we are offering a special on our most powerful professional whitening system -- Zoom! WhiteSpeed -- to help get our rising seniors' pearly whites in tip-top shape for their upcoming photo sessions*.

WhiteSpeed is an incredible product that can make teeth up to 8 times whiter in just 75 minutes. WhiteSpeed not only includes in-office treatment, but touch-up trays for at-home use as well.

Zoom!'s retail price is $357, but through the end of August, we are offering it for $50 off with an ADDITIONAL $50 rebate when you bring in the rebate coupon available via the Zoom! website.

Simply fill out the form online (click the link above), and they will send you a coupon via email. Bring it into the office for your appointment, and we will apply it to your total treatment cost -- just $250!

Give us a call ASAP at 734-677-2156 to schedule your appointment and experience Zoom! WhiteSpeed results for yourself!


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