Coolest Halloween Candy Alternatives
Halloween is almost here, and that means gobs of gooey treats as far as the eye can see. But how about if you’re looking for something a little healthier, and easier on the teeth? Or maybe something that’s not edible at all, but just as fun as something sweet? Well, the good news is that there are plenty of great Halloween candy alternatives out there just waiting to fill the pillowcases of all your favorite ghosts and goblins. Here are ten great alternatives to Halloween candy: 1. Stickers — inexpensive, colorful, and fun, there’s hardly a kid around who can resist the offer of a special sticker 2. Halloween pencils or erasers 3. Vampire or monster teeth 4. Temporary tattoos 5. Super-bouncy rubber balls 6. Halloween rings, such as spiders or eyeballs 7. Silly Bandz, one of the biggest kids’ trends around right now 8. Glow sticks 9. Sidewalk chalk or crayons 10. Bubbles And if you absolutely still want to give out something edible, but want healthier options, try sugar-free gum, mini-bagged pretzels or pumpkin seeds, raisins, or mini-granola bars.